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// Require the module
const versionCheck = require('@version-checker/core');

// Or import
import versionCheck from '@version-checker/core'

function versionCheck(options, [callback])

Performs an update check with the given options. The callback is optional, can be omitted to return a Promise.

The options object

OptionDescriptionDefault ValueIntroduction
tokenA personal access token used to access the Github GraphQL API (v4). Can be omitted and instead be read from an env variable called GITHUB_API_TOKEN. When no token can be found, the module will fall back to the Github Rest API (v3).undefinedv2.0.0
repoThe name of your Github repository.None. Required.v1.0.0
ownerThe owner of your Github repository (usually your username).None. Required.v1.0.0
currentVersionYour app's current version.None. Required.v1.0.0
fetchTagsWhether to fetch the repositories' git tags instead of the GitHub releases. Useful when no releases are created, but only tags.falsev1.0.0
latestOnlySetting this to true will fetch the latest release onlyfalsev2.2.0
excludePrereleasesExcludes pre-releases from checks. Currently only works when no token is specified.falsev2.3.0
forceRestWill use the Github REST API (v3) even with a supplied token.falsev3.0.0

The callback function (optional)

Should be of the following form:

function(error, update) {
// ...your code
  • error:
    • If an error occurs, this holds the error message. null if no error occurs.
  • update:
    • An object in the format specified below. null if no update was found.

Return type

The function returns a CheckResult which has the following structure:

interface CheckResult {
src: string
type: string
update: ReleaseDescriptor | TagDescriptor | undefined



States which API endpoint has been used.

Possible values:

  • rest
  • graphql

States whether releases or tags have been fetched.

Possible values:

  • releases
  • tags

Holds the actual data on a possible update. For structure details refer to Object schemes.

It is undefined in case no update could be found.

Using Promise

You can omit the callback function to return a Promise, which resolves with the update object.

Object schemes


When fetching releases, an object with the following structure will be returned:

interface ReleaseDescriptor {
name: string
tag: TagDescriptor
isPrerelease: boolean
isDraft: boolean
publishedAt: string
url: string


When fetching tags, you will receive an object with the following structure:

interface TagDescriptor {
name: string