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Version: 3.0.0


// require modules
const versionCheck = require('@version-checker/core');
const pkg = require('./package.json'); // or whereever your package.json lies

// version check options (for details see below)
const options = {
token: 'PUT-YOUR-TOKEN-HERE', // personal access token (can be omitted to use the v3 api)
repo: 'version-checker', // repository name
owner: 'axelrindle', // repository owner
currentVersion: pkg.version, // your app's current version
versionCheck(options, function (error, update) { // callback function
if (error) throw error;
if (update) { // print some update info if an update is available
console.log('An update is available! ' +;

// start your app
console.log('Starting app...');

Check the examples for more examples.

Personal Access Token

As of v2.0.0 you can supply an access token for working with Github's GraphQL API. This token may be supplied directly via the options object, OR it can be supplied using an environment variable called GITHUB_TOKEN.

Consider using this method when working in a private environment, as it reduces traffic and increases the checking speed.

Note on semantic versioning

Always try to follow a clear semver format. This helps to avoid parsing mistakes and getting a clear result. Also read here.